Order easily and quickly extra dental impression supplies!
If your dental impression has failed, you can purchase an additional dental impression set to be able to make a new impression.
It is possible that your first dental impression does not work properly and that things go a little wrong. That's not a problem, replacement putty and trays are easily available to order here. With a clean and accurate impression, we can produce a superb result for you so its worth the effort to try again if you are not sure.
Please ensure you follow the accompanying dental impression guide
Problems with your dental impression?
If the first dental impression is not satisfactory, you can contact our customer service. They will be pleased to offer advice on how best to overcome any issues you may have
Feel free to mail us a photo first!
Send a digital photo of the 'questionable' dental print to; info@sleeppro.com.
If you need extra dental impression supplies for your dental impression kit such as new malleable dental putty or impression tray, make your choice from the selection list.
Please note packaging and putty colour may vary from those images displayed.